03.04.2023 - 16.07.2023 (Week 1 - Week 15)
Christie Angelica Bakhary (0350655)
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Minor Project
Final Progression & Compilation


In the first week, we were briefed about what project we will do throughout this semester. Below is the project briefing presentation that Mr. Mike presented to us:

Then we were asked to form a group of our own based on our chosen topic. I chose the alert device topic, where we'll be collaborating with UWB students from the Czech Republic. We then wrote our own names in the Google Sheets that were provided by sir to find a group. In the first week, I formed a group with Evaleez, Angeline, Adriel, and Abigail. We then start to split the task on the first research. I was doing research about the existing SOS device or technology. Below is my research:

Fig. 2.1: Existing Product Research

However in week 2, Mr. Mike realized that both of the UWB group was unbalanced, hence, he asked us to split into 3 groups instead. Thus, I joined Cecilia's group together with the other teammates, Michelle, Devina, and Hansel.

Final Submission

Fig. 2.x: Final Compilation Slide (PDF)

Fig. 2.x: Final Project Tracking Document (PDF)


Week 2
In this second week, we’re to conduct research on the elderly and individuals with disabilities, delving into their backgrounds, illnesses, and the assistive devices available to them. I came across numerous modern devices that can help the elderly. Additionally, this week we had our first meeting with the UWB students, where they showcased each of their ideas, of which there were a total of 16 ideas. Each of their designs was all unique and had its own characteristic. Then for this and next week our focus is to identify a device that is suitable and functional for the elderly and disabled.

Week 3
This week, we discussed about user personas and questions for our interview and survey. I helped to create the interview questions for our partner, Vojtech, to help us understand deeper about his product and features. Then in class, we also received some feedback from Mr. Mike regarding our personas.

Week 4
This week, we did the interview and questionnaire questions for the survey. We also had our daily meeting with our UWB partner, where we presented our research and asked questions that we’ve prepared to our partner, Vojtech. Overall, this week's meeting was informative, as we got additional information that was useful for our next research.

Week 5
In the fifth week, we’re having our regular weekly meeting with our UWB partner, Vojtech. In this meeting, me, Michelle, and Cecil presented our brainstorm ideas for the logo & branding, while Devina presented her ideas for the animation part. Through the discussion, we agree that idea number 2 will be our main reference and art direction. Vojtech also mention that he likes the “Egg-Lert” name and decided to use it as the brand name.

Week 6
This week, I did some digital logo sketching to be shown to Mr. Mike. However, Mr. Mike asked us to focus more on improving our product design and functionality, as the yellow button is blocking the clock’s hands, which makes it hard to see the minute and hour hands. Thus, we did some improvement sketches and conduct a meeting with our UWB partner to discuss and revised the design. At the end of this week, me, Cecilia, and Michelle created a DIY watch for the interview later.

Week 7
In week 7, I helped to distribute our group questionnaire to my friends and relatives. Unfortunately, I was unable to join my teammates in interviewing the interviewee as I had a class on that day. I also rushed to finalize my logo design, as our partner informed us that their deadline is nearing.

Week 8
This week is an independent learning week, so we don’t have any classes.

Week 9
This week we had a face-to-face consultation with Mr.Mike, where we were given feedback for our final logo, art direction, etc. However, it turned out that we’ve been following our partner, Vojtech’s feedback too much, that we forgot to focus on our main target audience which is the elderly. Thus, we decided to start over from the art direction to the branding itself. Other than that, Mr. Mike asked us to discuss with the IT faculty students about suitable prices for our SOS watch.

Week 10
We decided to change our brand name to Golden Hour and start to proceed with a new art direction. Me, Cecil, and Michelle proposed each of our own logo ideation to Mr. Mike, and he agreed with Cecil’s logo design as it looks simple and easily applicable to the watch.

Week 11
This week I started to do research and list all the things that I should put into the user manual book later. I also discuss with Michelle regarding some things that can be added to the application, such as creating an interface/page that shows when the watch and the application are linked.

Week 12
This week, I started to do the user manual book design, where I was inspired by Apple and Xiaomi Watch manual books that have a very simple and minimalistic look. I included all the content that I’ve written in the previous week.

Week 13
This week I continue on designing the manual book, where I added simple watch illustrations into it so it looks more interesting.

Week 14
This week, I finished my user manual book and showed the other teammate about it. My group leader advise me to revise it’s size and layout to a booklet size that is smaller so that it would fit into the watch’s packaging.

Week 15
In the final week of the module, I compiled all of our artworks, products, and research into a final slide for submission. I also wrote my blog and final reflection. Overall, I learned a great deal about design thinking through this module. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such a great team, and I am proud of the work that we have accomplished.


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